
Is Nick Bosa Not The Hottest Dude Alive?

Before those of you macho men out there, who aren't comfortable with your sexuality, start to throw stones at me, asking me if I'm gay, or like staring at pictures of #2 overall pick, all-pro, perfect Italian-American specimens with abs you could wash floormats on, a chin that looks chiseled by Leonardo DaVinci himself, what looks to be a typical for Italians oversized package, ask yourself who was the guy who just posted a Guess That Ass blog with about 100 pics of Sofia Vergara

Who's the guy regularly posting blogs with generous amounts of smokin hot females sprinkled in?

Nope, not John Rich.

Well, yes, John Rich. 

But John Rich looks up to this guy's dedication.

So before you call me a gay ball for asking the rhetorical question:

Is Nick Bosa the hottest dude alive?

realize that wondering that makes you a gay ball.

Now, with all of that said, let's look at Nick for a second.

I mean, show me the straightest man on the planet, and even they'll admit that's a perfect-looking man.

I think we can all agree on one thing. If Kim Kardashian knows one thing, it's well-hung men. If she knows two things, its well hung men and marketing. 

We can hate her all we want, but her demonic family and she have rewritten the books on marketing and self-promotion. To the point they'll be teaching her methods in college marketing courses someday if they aren't already. 

Knowing both those things, do you think she's going to make the face of her new men's underwear line (skims men) anybody other then the hottest fucking dude on the planet? 


No. She's not. 

Giphy Images.

Nick Bosa is hot as fuck. He's a pretty decent edge rusher too.

p.s. - the Bosa's are great people, with deep Chicago ties.