
Remember 48 Oyster Lady? Turns Out She Started a Movement

A little followup to the Woman who got stood up mid-date for an order of 48 oysters and racked up a huge check:

Well apparently, now many others are doing the exact same thing. 

Now, there are no credible reports that they are all women trying to take advantage of men who want to take them on a date, but for the purpose of this blog, let's pretend all these dudes are about to get fleeced by women for $200 plus alone. It would be pretty hilarious if this actually took off where women are racking up $200 by themselves for some sick anti-men thing. I wonder if this restaurant is pumped or pissed by this tik tok promo. 

As a former bartender, I myself would hate to have to make so many goddamn lemon drops. There is no easy way to make them. Also, this $15 oyster deal has to have them selling out within a couple of hours. There is no way this place has enough oysters to handle this new demand. Most comments are pissed their local spot has been exposed, and now they have to deal with all the people coming through to order 48 oysters and make their man run out on the bill. The whole thing is just one of those bizzaro scenarios that are the new reality of social media.