
People Are Once Again Convinced There's A Conspiracy Theory Going On Between The NFL And Chiefs Thanks To This Video From Yesterday's Game

A spot typically reserved for Bengals fans who somehow still think the NFL is out to get Cincinnati of all places, people gotta stop complaining about this from the Chiefs/Vikings game yesterday. I'm not talking about the pass interference call, go ahead and complain about that if you want. I'm talking about the fact L'Jarius Sneed took off his helmet and *gasp* there wasn't a flag.

In the words of the Pope Mike. Who cares?

Little secret here. A flag does nothing. You want the refs to throw a flag? Fine. It's still the Chiefs ball and the game is over. If they decided to call pass interference, fine. The flag moves the ball to the 1 yard line. This is where you gotta understand when and what to complain about. Looking at you Tyreek Hill: 

We've gotten everything from conspiracy theories involving Taylor Swift and Pfizer. Weird, you'd think the Johnson and Johnson family would benefit at some point if the NFL is going to town for Pfizer. Maybe, just maybe, the Chiefs just so happen to have the best player in football right now. That tends to help you win games. Crazy thought that it's not a conspiracy and they just make decent decisions and then get to play the Raiders and Broncos twice. 

I love the whole 'what other team benefits as much' because of a pointless helmet rule (see TJ Watt doing the same thing yesterday). Don't get me wrong, nobody and I mean nobody loves yelling about shitty refs like me, but it's about picking your fights. You can't do it with the Vikings and Jets, two teams who fucking stink. You can't do it on a pointless helmet rule when you had a DPI right there to scream about. If you want the Chiefs dynasty to end it's simple, make Jackson Mahomes stop dancing and pick the battles to scream about. 

I know Twitter isn't real life, but come on. You can't be screaming conspiracy theory in this moment. Hell, you're getting the call wrong anyways. Scream about the pass interference or hands to the face on the line. Maybe this is the conspiracy theory going on all along.