
John Angelos And The Orioles Just Announced Mid-Game The Team Has Reached An Agreement To Stay At Camden Yards For 30 More Years

WE AINT FUCKING LEAVING!!!! The Os are on the verge of their 100th win and we get this news right in the middle of the game!!! Pinch me!!!! Everyone was worried John Angelos would move this team to Nashville or something, you guys are idiots if you thought that! They were never leaving the best ballpark in the world. Never. 

Doing it during the game where they could win the division for the first time in 10 years is the cherry on top. Great news for the team, the city, the fans, and hopefully a sign that the Os can start signing some of these young guys to long term deals since we know they’ll call Baltimore home for a long time. It was a no-brainer to keep them here. Sounds like John Angelos kept his promise from when he got drunk at the playoff celebration. I love this team, I love this ballpark, now let’s win a division.