
This Body Cam Footage Of A Deputy Driving Through The Washington Wildfires Is INSANE

I'm just going to come out and say it. I do not respect the carnage of wildfires nearly enough. Like I get that they are obviously an absolutely destructive force of nature that leaves nothing but ash in their wake and the pictures of Maui after the wildfires legitimately looked like a bomb went off there. But seeing this deputy essentially drive through Hell on Earth straight from a scene out of a movie has me realizing all the fears I irrationally had of tornadoes and quick sand growing up after watching The Wizard of Oz and countless cartoons should've been devoted to wildfires.

I know New York isn't exactly the wildfire capital of the country or anything. But I see those Smokey The Bear signs here in the burbs all the time and you can bet your ass I'll make sure I never come close to causing the carnage in that video. Hell, I remember when the New York skies were hazy due to wildfires in Canada and people here were acting like they were the victims because it faintly smelled like a campfire and people said to stay inside due to the air quality being equal to smoking a pack of cigarette. Now all I can imagine is countless acres looking like that horror scene as our neighbors to the North tried to put that giant mess out. Truly crazy shit and a reminder that Mother Nature can truly be an evil bitch when she wants to be.

P.S. "Eat my fat hairy ass, fire" is an unreal line to drop as you are white knuckling through Hell.