
Dude Uses Charts And Graphs To Track His Masturbation Habits For 3 Months

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I’m not a doctor, a psychiatrist, a shrink, or any sort of medical professional qualified to diagnose someone. But I feel pretty confident in saying that if you chart your masturbation sessions over a 3 month span you are slightly if not fully psychotic. If you make color coded charts and bar graphs with text breaking down all the times you jerked off, upload it to Imgur and post it on Reddit, you are probably psychotic.

That’s not me judging, that’s just me stating a fact. I like internet porn and some alone time as much as the next red blooded American male. But if you make a fucking time series of every single time you rub one out in your bedroom, somebody needs to be called. Taking a quick peek at your data points, I can make some predictive inferences that you’re a sexual degenerate, Karl. Seek therapy and/or a girlfriend.

PS – The whole charting and uploading thing isn’t the only group of warning signs. 68 minute JO sessions? What the fuck? How is that even possible? Don’t you get bored? Chafed? Mind boggling.

[via KarlRyker on Imgur]