
Gone (For Three Games) But Not Forgotten: Michigan Players Pay Homage To The Legend That Is Jim Harbaugh

Lord, carry him now. 

Yes, we are talking about one of the dumbest suspensions of all time. Jim Harbaugh got suspended for cheeseburgers. Somewhere though we can all sit back and smile knowing he's enjoying a nice glass of milk, wearing his khakis and seeing his guys remember him. Going to be impossible to get through these 3 games, but that 4 gesture will do it. That's how you remember a legend ... who will be  back in 3 games.

They should have come out with cheeseburgers. Lean into how ridiculous the whole suspension is. Lean into the NCAA being a bunch of assholes. A self-served suspension, start making a mockery of the whole thing. Go full Boz and wear the NCAA shirt

Gone (for three games) but never forgotten.