
As It Turns Out, A Woman Snuck A Gun Into Sox Park Under Her BELLY FAT This Weekend

For proper dramatic effect, click play on the video above as you read this blog: 

The circus is in town folks!!! 

Off the top of my head, this is what the White Sox have been in the news for since January alone: 

- Dealt with a domestic and child abuse investigation by MLB into one of their players
- They signed ANDREW BENINTENDI to the biggest contract in franchise history 
- Lost 10 games in a row in April
- Bickering through media between front office and players they just traded
- Front office gets fired
- Discussions of moving the team to Nashville 
- Constant leaks about front office AND clubhouse disfunction 
- Traded one of the ONLY likable players, Jake Burger, at the deadline because the EVP wanted to flex nuts
- Promoted the guy who oversaw a bottom 3 farm system (minus the rebuild trades) to a roll he's grossly unqualified for at the moment
- 100 loss pace in a season THEY ARE CONTENDING

Did I miss anything? OH YEAH. If we want to go back to like 2015 we got the Chris Sale jersey cutting, Drake Laroche saga, the Machado and Harper whiffings, and now we got some fat chick sneaking a gun into Sox Park this weekend IN HER BELLY FAT!!!

Giphy Images.

Oh and it went off, because of course it did. 

I actively avoid the White Sox right now because they make me genuinely angry. I am embarrassed to have a tangential connection to that team. I'm glad everyone is alright, but they CANNOT DO ANYTHING RIGHT. Not even stop fucking guns from getting into the stadium. I didn't address this story this weekend because there were a lot of WILD rumors flying around, but it looks like it was just some fatso being a complete and total fucking idiot. 

Why can't they just be quiet? Even if they lost 100 games a year and were quiet like the Rockies I'd be fine. It's just constant second hand embarrassment with the White Sox though. 

Glad everyone is alright. Hope this lardass who snuck the gun into the stadium is arrested, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and hits the fucking treadmill. 

Fuck this team. Loser, embarrassing organization.