
The “Free Kevin Brown" Chants Have Taken Over Camden Yards

We knew this was going to happen, we knew the chants would come out and they are here! I’m in the CF bar and it is as loud as the day is long. The people want KB back and they want him now. He’ll return on Friday but that isn’t enough. They want him at the ballpark calling a win vs the Astros. People have signs, they are screaming things into the press box, it’s a great atmosphere but you can feel the tension in the air. The people are making their thoughts loud and clear, they want KB back. It’s a great game with a great team and this is one of the biggest stories in sports, we knew it was coming and it’s warranted. Idk if John Angelos is watching but he should be able to hear the chants from wherever the is.

PS these guys are LEGENDS for replicating the Os outfits from last week.