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An Economic Freedom Speech In South Africa Used John Cena's Theme Song In What Is Either The Best Edited Or Most Electric Video Of All Time

I can't stop watching this clip. I also can't tell if it's real because half the people in the comments are saying it is, and the other half are saying it's an edit. Let's choose to live in a world of our own and assume it's 100% completely real. This is the most unserious and serious thing I've seen at the same time. The speech, the way the music transitions in, the crowd going nuts, him holding the pose. This is pure cinema. I have no idea what the actual conflict is here, but whatever it is, it might be solved after this video.

If Vince McMahon was still in charge of WWE, this guy would be signed to the roster so fast it would make your head spin. Either that or he'd hit him with a C&D. Hitting a mic drop on the John Cena horns has to be the best adrenaline rush in the world. There is no drug on the planet that can make you feel like that.

I'm going to watch this video around 45 more times to get hyped for the week and just furiously type away at the blog for the next 10 hours. Our time is now.


PS: I am not up to date on my South African politics so if this guy is the worst person in the world we do not endorse him. A great internet video never comes without controversy.