
A Priest Compared Gay Sex To Putting A Piece Of A Bagel In Your Ear - Daily Mail


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KFC prerecorded this episode because of a last minute trip so you can hear this thoughts in the niftily embedded podcast above. Normally when I have to post one of these for him, KFC shoots me an email with the topics in there, I put a headline on it for the most interesting item in there. But I have to say I disagree his stance on the effectiveness of the priest’s “bagel in the ear” analogy. If a priest tells me I’m going to get a dick in my butt if I’m going gay, yeah I’m not exactly perking up at the prospect. But I’m also not really raising an eyebrow either. Dicks in butts are a thing that actually happen every single day, often times with minimal damage to everyone involved. But some dude walking up to me and shoving a chunk of bagel in my ear? Now that is an unnatural situation all around. I’m pretty sure you could kill a man by doing that, especially if it’s an everything bagel. It’s just such a bizarre visual that it stands out a million times more as a result. That’s the kind of eye-catching propaganda the Catholic church needs at this point to turn the tides and start winning hearts, minds, and buttholes.


Plus it indirectly bashes Jews too, big bonus in a classic win-win-win scenario for Catholicism. Anyway for KFC’s take on all that and SO MUCH MORE, download now and subscribe on iTunes.