
Zion Williamson Reportedly Has Absolutely "No Interest In Developing A Floater Or A Pull Up Jumper"

Is one of Zion's boys talking to the media or something, because who is he saying this to? This sounds like a conversation you have when you are just hanging out at the house, and he is just like "what the fuck do I need a jumper for when I can dunk it anytime I want?"

Like I can't imagine him saying this to anyone with full seriousness. No NBA player is going to look his coaches in the eyes and yell them he has no interest in making his game better and developing a shot. Again, it sounds like he was playing as himself in 2K and threw down a mega-dunk and laughed like "imagine having to shoot the ball when you can dunk like that!".

Zion has had an awful offseason with a bunch of nonsense, but when if gets back on the court I think he is going to be the superstar we all thought he was going to be. When he does play he is dominant, but nothing seems to be going right for him, ever. The Pelicans (and Zion himself) have handled everything so fucking weird but I just want to see the guy healthy for a full season and stop with the bust nonsense. He needs to do everything in his power to get on the court to shut people up and it's obvious the Pelicans still believe in him by paying him and not trading him yet. If I'm Zion I hire the best marketing/PR/manager in the world, throw away all my cell phones, get a dog collar that buzzes me if I even try to access Snapchat, and focus on basketball. He's 23 years old, we do not need to see him go down in flames because of all this off the court nonsense.