
The Air Quality In Chicago Is "The Worst On Earth" Right Now, And Is Equivalent To Smoking A Pack Of Cigarettes

NBC Chicago - Air quality levels in Chicago reached the worst in the world Tuesday as all of northern Illinois went under an air quality alert, with "very unhealthy" levels reported due to Canadian wildfire smoke.

According to the World Air Quality Index, which ranks cities across the globe from worst air quality to best, Chicago currently holds the no. 1 spot -- and that was before levels rose even higher Tuesday morning.

Chicago's air quality entered "very unhealthy" territory just before noon Tuesday.

According to the government air quality website, AirNow, the PM2.5 -- an air pollutant also known as fine particulate matter, which is causing much of the haze in the region -- reached 209 as of 11:30 a.m. Anything over 200 is considered "very unhealthy." By 1 p.m. that number had climbed to 228.

The National Weather Service also issued an air quality alert around that same time that remains in effect until midnight Wednesday, though conditions are expected to be "unhealthy for sensitive groups" across Illinois Wednesday.

The NWS reported smoke from wildfires in Canada is moving into the region and "pushing air quality into the unhealthy or worse categories." The agency urged people to reduce or limit outdoor activities.

This is fucking insane. 


I’m starting to think that Big Cat announcing his return and bringing his gang of misfits with him was not the best idea. 

Maybe he really is the biggest mush that’s ever mushed?

Since the announcement, and the NY crews started making their way out this way, everything’s gone to shit. 

We’ve (potentially) got a serial killer on our hands, 

City Hall somehow managed to go from bad to worse, and now if you walk outside it’s equivalent to smoking half a pack of Marlboros.

The sticklers will point out my headline says a full pack of cigarettes, but half a pack wouldn’t have drew any clicks. Plus it’s been two days now so that equals a full pack. Sue me.

A few summers ago the wildfires really messed up Michigan’s air quality. I was up there vacationing a couple weekends and their was a constant haze, it smelled like a campfire, and your eyes burned. Plus it completely ruined their incredible sunsets. 

It was basically like spending a weekend in Richard’s except with no $3 High Lifes, mean bartenders, or fearing for your life.


I can only imagine what it’s got to be like now if Chicago is this bad. Wisconsin has got to be brutal too. 

Once again, fucking Canada man.