
This Video Of Will Levis At Titans OTAs Is Fuel For The Hater's Soul

Giphy Images.

I don't know how many of y'all are using it, but the "For You" page on Twitter is great stuff. Mine gives me excellent content every day, but I've never been more happy with the tab's addition than when it brought me this video.

I make no qualms about the fact that I am praying on Will Levis's downfall. I am an unabashed hater. I will continue hating until the day he is out of the National Football League — his inevitable move to career back-up after failing miserably as a starter will not even fully quench my thirst — and probably for a good bit after that.

Do I care that this was just one throw in an ultimately meaningless OTA drill? I do not. In my house, we celebrate every Levis blunder, of which there will certainly be many. This hate has no off-season.

This is the first of many times those of us in the Will Levis Hate Club will be able to take a victory lap. If you still haven't joined, the WLHC is always accepting new members.