
Pussification Of Tennis Continues: That Banged Your Girlfriend Dude Was Booed And Fined




(Newser) Pro tennis player Nick Kyrgios decided to trash-talk his opponent during a match this week and made the mistake of doing it near a courtside microphone. As a result, everyone in attendance at his Rogers Cup match in Montreal against Stan Wawrinka got to hear the Australian mutter that another player was sleeping with Wawrinka’s girlfriend, reports the CBC. The Association of Tennis Professionals hit him with a $10,000 fine, plus another $2,500 for a related comment to a ball person.




Come the fuck on, tennis. This is some childish bullshit. People booing him? Fining him a whole $12,500? Jesus you guys want his first born too? Listen Nick Kyrgios is a gamer. He showed up to the prestigious Rogers Cup to win. He’s not here to make friends, he’s here for trophies (I assume the Rogers Cup gives out those plastic little tee ball ones? Whatever, still counts). Punishing and shaming him for bringing you the most press a tennis match has gotten since Wimbledon is just dumb. You think it’s his fault Wawrinka cried like a little girl and lost his composure after some “your girl got cummed on” trash talk? No. Mental toughness, ever heard of it? If we’re gonna start fining and booing guys for busting chops/telling you facts about your gf getting fucked then tennis may well be on it’s way to being one of the richest, snobbiest, pussiest sports out there. Fuck decorum and honor, give me the victory.



PS – Fuck every name in this story. Kyrgios. Wawrinka. Kokkinakis. All of you can GTFO. And that’s coming from a Feitelberg. Your names are absurd. All of you sound like characters from the Aeneid.