
Collin Morikawa Might Have Some Explaining To Do After Some Peculiar Ball-Marking On The 6th Green Today

NOTE: I should've expected this video would disappear off the face of the internet... who knows if it'll re-appear. Quick verbal description. Video starts with Morikawa attempting to place his ball 2-3 inches in front of his coin. Takes a couple tries but he gets it to stay. Then he takes his coin and moves it forward to where his ball is. He then removes the ball and backs up (end scene)

Ummmm that's a little peculiar, wouldn't ya say? That's a pretty... damning video at first look if I must say so myself. It's especially stunning to see the subject be Morikawa, who is regarded as an all-around good guy who does everything the right way. There's a small handful of characters you expect this type of thing from, particularly [redacted due to complete and utter fear of redacted's wife]. 

Now let's stop and think about this for a second. It would be pretty stupid for a PGA Tour player to do this at a tournament with cameras EVERYWHERE. It would be literally unbelievable for somebody of his experience to do something that stupid. Like, I actually don't believe what you see on the video is the entire context. Collin is not stupid, nor do I think he's a guy will ill intentions. 

There HAS to be something strange at play here. Something along the lines of the green being so severely sloped (as Augusta greens tend to be) that he was struggling to place the ball in its proper spot and moved the coin to avoid it affecting the placement. I dunno. Something like that. I think Collin has earned the benefit of the doubt for me to throw that theory out there and believe it to be true. 

It's just a tough, tough video at surface level. My pearls!

UPDATE: Yep, Rap is on it. That’s why you get boots on the ground.