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Nothing Sums Up March Like Mizzou's 'It's Game Day Bitches' T-Shirt Guy vs Crying Utah State People

This right here is the perfect view of March and the duality of fans. In one corner you have the Mizzou guy in his Thursday best. He looked around his room and went yep 'it's game day bitches.' Fire. Maybe it's his lucky shirt? Who am I to judge? When it comes to March you need anything and everything to just advance. Here he is though clapping and dancing around proudly announcing that it was in fact game day, bitches. 

Then you have Utah State. Poor Utah State and the Mountain West man. That cheerleader trying to hold in the tears might be my soulmate. She lives and dies with Aggies basketball. She's a pro (amateur perhaps in this case) though. She wasn't going to get caught with tears streaming down her face on national TV. She saved those tears for the fan in the stands who was crying so much. She was so goddamn sad. 

It's not the cheerleader or fan's fault that Utah State shot like shit. But they can't do anything about it. That's what's brutal about being a diehard college basketball fan. We put our emotions into the hands of college kids. College kids do dumb things - look at Kihei Clark. But I'm not going to make fun of them for crying. No sir or ma'am. Not as someone who has months worth of emotion built into a game tomorrow. Let it all out. Care about stuff. 

It's game day, bitches.