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WATCH: There Was A Spectacular Temper Tantrum In Tennis Today Featuring Not One, Not Two, But Thirteen Racket Smashes

Meet Alexander Bublik, one of the more fascinating/entertaining people in the sport of tennis. He has a quote out there where he mentions if he can't play well enough in a match to entertain the crowd then he'll do something different like serving underarm, trick shots, or engaging with the people. I'm not so sure entertainment was on his mind as he broke three of his rackets in less than a minute, but it got my attention. 

Listen, you lose nine matches in a row despite having the talent he does and you're well within your right to let out some steam. Thirteen racket smashes might be a bit much, but I sure as hell am not going to tell him otherwise. Never gonna see me be mad about someone channeling their inner Paul O'Neill. 

I love the commentators breaking it down. You've got the guy counting every smash while the woman goes "the good news is that he's got plenty of other rackets" as Bublik walks over to his bench to grab more rackets to destroy. Then she goes, "Well I think that gives us a little indication of where his mindset is at right now." Nailed it. 

Bublik is such an underrated tennis character. Any interview he gives he never wants to talk anything about the sport. Such a refreshing voice to hear from anytime he's got the mic in his hand.