
The NBA Apparently Refuses To Believe Ja Morant Is Legit After Giving Him His SEVENTH Drug Test Of The Season

Dylan Buell. Getty Images.

By now you know the tradition. An NBA player goes out and does something insane on the court and pretty much immediately they get a little note from the league that asks them to promptly pee in a cup. At least I think that's how they do it. It could be a blood test I guess, but you get the point.

When Donovan Mitchell dropped a ridiculous 71 points earlier this month against the Bulls, guess what he woke up to

He had to know it was coming because this is what the league does. Even they can't believe what's going on this season in terms of this offensive explosion. The good news is guys like Donovan aren't cheating, they're just really really really good.

Enter Ja Morant.

If there's one player who you could say does shit that should not be possible on a basketball court, Ja has to be near the top of the list if not the #1 guy. So over the last few days with him unleashing some dunks like this:

Or how he can glide/hang in the air like he did last night against the Suns.

It should surprise exactly zero people that the league had to check in and make sure there wasn't anything fishy going on.


Maybe I'm wrong here, but 7 separate drug tests when the Grizzlies have only played 43 games seems like a lot. I feel like once you get past the second one you should probably just accept that plays like this are what Ja does. This is nothing new, it's not as if he's only recently started putting dudes on posters. That's been in Ja's game since the second he entered the NBA. 

Part of me thinks it's somewhat funny that the league watches these plays and thinks

"Hmm, maybe THIS is the one that proves Ja is taking something"

Giphy Images.

Nope, sorry. While it may not make logical sense how Ja Morant is able to do stuff like this every single night, it's real. You could even say it's spectacular. I do wonder if there's some league exec out there that is upset his team missed out on Ja in the Lottery and keeps calling the league to test him. Maybe after he gets done killing a team and talking a whole bunch of shit while he does it, that front office tries to punch back by hoping he fails a drug test.

I dunno, but it does seem weird that he's had so many tests. Is anyone testing Luka after his insane performances? How does the league determine who gets a test and who doesn't? That's what I want to know. Meanwhile, LeBron looks like he's 25 at age 100 and we don't hear too much about that do we? Really makes you think.

Then again, if LeBron was doing stuff like this he probably would be getting tested every 5 seconds
