
A San Diego Startup May Have Way To Regrow Hair! Get Yourself Out Of The Club And Into Their Office!

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San Diego Union Tribune-  Amplifica Holdings Group, a San Diego biotech startup working to help balding people regrow their hair, has corralled $11.8 million in a first round of venture capital financing.

Based on technology licensed out of University of California Irvine — as well as its own research — Amplifica focuses on molecule combinations that aim to jumpstart dormant hair stem cells in the scalp, said Chief Executive Frank Fazio.

The new funding will be used to further develop these proprietary compounds for treatment of androgenic alopecia — where the normal hair growth cycle is stalled because of signaling changes that cause hair follicles stem cells to shut down.

This is one of the most common forms of hair loss. It impacts about 50 million men in the U.S. and is commonly known as male pattern baldness. But it also affects about 30 million women, according to the National Institutes of Health.

“Amplifica is taking a nature-inspired scientific approach using a molecular mechanism that regrows natural hair,” said Fazio in an email. “The company has identified and isolated unique signaling molecules that stimulate hair follicles to regrow hair.”

LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!! A San Diego biotech company may have a solution to regrow hair! 

This is great progress for those who don't have a hair on their head. Everyone should have an opportunity to have a full head of hair. It's a great thing to have hair on your head. If I knew any bald (40+) men I would suggest they get out of the clubs and get to the clinic. 

Aren't you sick of wearing hats? 

Don't you want to see what it would be like with a full head of hair? 

Do you think other rappers would see your new flow and be interested in hanging out instead of having an unhealthy obsession with Rick Ross? 

Just some questions I would hypothetically ask anyone waiting to go get this procedure done.