
The Most Closely Guarded Secret In Human History Is The Coca Cola Recipe

I actually had to do some research (That just means I asked Hubbs and he looked up a bunch of shit for me which I went on to ignore) because there is just no way only two people know this recipe. It reminds me of the Crabby Patty recipe just being in that bottle but nobody knowing it besides a couple of people. Lets just say that there really are only two people that know this recipe. They have to be the most powerful people in this entire world. If anything ever happened at work they can just threaten to tweet out the coke recipe. 

What the fuck does it even matter if people know it? I am still going to buy the soda and nobody is going to just copy it. Pepsi already tries to to copy it but they are simply missing something because it doesn't even come close. Can't people that just work there figure it out themselves? Think about how many gallons of Coke get made a day in all different locations — all those people making it have to know. I want to talk to one of these people that potentially know the recipe and see why they can't tell anyone. 

While we are here though I will not even waste you're time in ranking what type of Coke is the best because it's the glass bottle. Isn't it kind of crazy that you cant describe what Coke tastes like? Any other soda you can describe a Fanta tastes like Orange, Dr. Pepper tastes like cherry but Coke is just its own flavor. They buy anything that could be competition anyway but I feel like they are into some weird shit if this rumor is out there. Rumors don't start off of nothing it always has a little bit of truth to it.