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Stephen Vogt Went Yard In The Last At-Bat Of His Career And Strutted Around The Bases In Fantastic Fashion

Now THIS is how you bookend your playing career. Steven Vogt's only been in the bigs since 2012 but it seems like he has been playing baseball since 1903, just an old school guy who refused to wear batting gloves. He's calling it a career and got one final at-bat vs the Angels and of course he hit a homer on the last pitch he saw. What an awesome moment, you can hear it in the A's broadcaster's voice, you can hear Dallas losing his mind, Vogt is basically marching around the bases. Such an awesome moment for him and a perfect way for him to close it out. The fans loved it, the team loved it, and how could you not? His 7th home run of the season but it will probably be the one he remembers the most. Gotta love a good career finishing homer, good for you Mr. Vogt. A great move by the A's having his kids announce him as he came up to bat too. What a day for the Vogt's.