Never Seen Someone Look More Like Blake Griffin Than Lana Rhoades' Kid
There's been a lot of mystery in the streets as to which NBA player is Lana Rhoades' baby daddy. Since that moment people have wondered if was either Blake Griffin or Kevin Durant's kid. We know she went on a date with a Brooklyn Nets player, but who did the dirty deed?
Well, I think we have our answer, and I hope I'm not being rude by assuming here but….
Drum roll please
I audibly laughed out loud when I saw that. I mean that baby looks more like Blake Griffin than Blake Griffin does.
My jaw hit the floor when I saw that picture. We don't even need a Maury episode for this, case closed, mystery solved. Kevin Durant gotta be out there somewhere right now with a new lease on life. Expecting an MVP season out of that man and nothing less.
I made the mistake of Twitter searching 'Lana Rhoades' after seeing that image to see if there were any other pics/news out there on the situation. Didn't exactly think that one through. If you're at work don't do that. I would suggest when this child grows of age they don't Google/Twitter search her either for the sake of their mental health. Probably just don't go on the internet at all if we're being honest. You certainly won't have any money issues whatsoever, so choose a simple life instead. Be Joe from 'You' and don't use a single social media app —just don't be a murderer .

Anywhoo, best of luck to Lana with the kid raising. Expecting to see Blake on an episode of Podfathers in the near future. Subscribe and listen here