
Crazy Video Of A Group Of Heroes In Florida Saving An Elderly Man From His Car In Rushing Flood Waters Up To Their Waists From Hurricane Ian


I can't imagine how scary it must've been to watch water slowly rise into your car during a Category 4 hurricane, wondering if it's the end of the line, then all of a sudden a calvary of dudes wearing cowboys hats show up and save you. Real life movie stuff. Or at least a Wrangler commercial.

That's not just guys carrying a stranger through waist high water either. That shit is MOVING thanks to bitch boy Ian's ferocity not to mention whatever may be rifling around underwater as they mosey past the sign for Prime Steakhouse and what that fuckface hurricane may rain from above in terms of trees, power lines, or pretty much anything that 150+ MPH winds can pick up. Absolute crazy shit.

There's been a whole lot written and discussed about how divided we are these days. But it's nice to see people come together during tough times and help their fellow man or even non-man out.

Everyone in Florida stay safe and stay sane through all this.