
Iranian Men's Soccer Team Covers Iran Logos During National Anthem In Support Of The Protestors In Their Country

A true sign of courage. There are many places in the world where protests are a protected right and exercising that right to protest has no real consequences. We are so lucky to be born into a society like that in America. That is definitely NOT the case in Iran where protests are raging all over the country in a way not seen since the Shah fell in 1978. The soccer team actively protesting their government in solidarity with people on the streets in the country matters because there is a real possibility that the Morality Police (a real unit that allegedly killed a 22 year old girl last week which has sparked the protests) takes you into custody or tries to exact revenge in other ways. This is real bravery by these Iranians and the Iranian women burning their hijabs is at an entirely different level. We talked about that today on dogwalk along with a history of how US-Iran relations got so bad in the first place. Just another crisis flashpoint in the world. There are so many now that it is impossible to keep them straight. Full episode below