
A Slingshot Amusement Park Ride's Cord Snapped Mid-Flight And Broke A Chick's Leg In The Process

DM – This is the terrifying moment a slingshot ride snapped and sent thrillseekers hurtling out of control at a theme park in southern France.

A 24-year-old woman suffered a broken leg when one of the ride’s elastic cables snapped and a cage occupied by her and a second person was thrown against a support column.

The thrillseekers were left suspended in the air for an hour before they were rescued by firefighters and taken to hospital.

Luna Park officials told the newspaper that this type of malfunction has never happened before.


Smitty posted a slingshot ride’s cord snapping during takeoff at a Wisconsin amusement park a few weeks back and, while it definitely seemed scary, it couldn’t possibly hold a candle to the elastic cord snapping while you’re actually flying. That’s a total nightmare scenario and the only way it possibly gets worse is if the cord snaps at the top of the ride and sends them soaring through space so hard that young Jessica Chastain thinks you’re a ghost moving dust around in her bedroom.


But at the same time, isn’t this what you’re paying for when you go to an amusement park? Like yes, in theory, you want to safely have your risks and adventures on the various death traps stationed in between cotton candy and Dippin Dots. But you go to an amusement park for thrills and it’s a thin line between thrills and death. So would you rather be on a ride that goes in a straight line on flat terrain with no chance of injury or a ride like this where you’re going to defy laws of gravity in a way you normally wouldn’t but there’s a 1/10000 chance your leg snaps like a freshly baked baguette? Because that’s the core value proposition of any dangerous ride like this and the sooner you embrace it and make peace with the fact that every ride teeters on the brink of Final Destination, the better.