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Bruno Mars And Anderson .Paak Jumped On Stage At Barbershop In Vegas And Stole The Entire Show By Singing Jesse's Girl

They're just good at everything huh? Any song in the universe, Bruno Mars can belt it out. Jesse's Girl is one of my all time favorite karaoke songs, and this whole video has that exact vibe. A bunch of friends, you've all been drinking for a while, and somebody whips out a microphone. "Oh no, please, stop, I couldn't sing Jesse's Girl to the entire event space! Don't make me sing!" 

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And then to sing a handful of other karaoke songs?? I thought I heard some Papa Roach in there?? Christ. I've only been to Vegas once and I'm upset something crazy like this didn't happen. I hear about crazy stories in Vegas 24/7, why couldn't it have been me? I fucking love Bruno Mars. I would've screamed like a little girl if this happened while I was there. I got to see Shania Twain though, which was maybe the best concert I've ever been a part of. At one point, she was singing from a giant fluffy bed on stage with her DOG LAYING NEXT TO HER. Sobs. Knowing that information, imagine the reaction to Surprise Bruno? Sigh. Something that may never be.