
Jerry West Completely Buried JJ Redick For His Comments About How The Previous Generation Played Against A Bunch Of Plumbers

Score one for the old guys! You love to see the OGs fight back against the very tired narrative that they were only good because they played against "plumbers" and all that shit. That was always so weird to me because that era of the NBA includes some of the league's greatest legends. If you don't really remember what Jerry West is responding to, it's this comment from JJ Redick

I love JJ on TV and on his podcast, but I did not appreciate that dig at the great Bob Cousy when it happened back in April. It's good to know that Jerry West feels the same because he came out and roasted that dude. If anyone can speak on this topic it's probably the logo himself who just so happened to do this in his NBA career

It's not his fault that he ran into the Dynasty Celtics during that era. Everyone was catching Ls against those teams. That's why his comments were perfect. Jerry West was that dude. I'm not sure how you could possibly respond to that beatdown. Not just because West is a legend, but he also didn't tell a lie. 

I never really understood the point of trying to discredit previous eras of NBA basketball. No shit things were different. Both in terms of the style of play, the athletes, all that shit. It was a billion years ago! Think of how different the NBA is even from the early 2000s. You had NBA Finals games where the score was like 80-75 and nobody shot threes. Things change as time goes on. Sports science improves, athletes improve. That doesn't take away from what the players of the early years did on the court. Like no shit if LeBron played in the 60s he would absolutely dominate. But you know what? If prime Jerry West played in 2022 you don't think he'd be just as lethal? It just comes off as super insecure to me when current players trash the earlier eras. If there wasn't a Jerry West, there probably isn't a JJ Redick. Bob Cousy was revolutionary at the point guard spot in his day, it just looks ridiculous in 2022 when you compare it to the handles of lets say a Kyrie Irivng. But you have to walk before you can run, and those guys set the stage for the game we see today.

I'm just happy there are guys like Jerry West who are still around and can punch back against that slander. That was the most respectful burying of a player I think I've ever seen. He didn't raise his voice, he didn't put on a show, he just killed JJ with truth. That has to sting.