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We've Got Even More Big Wave Videos Coming Out Of Hawaii As A Result Of The Historic Swells And They Are Fucking Bananas

^^ Check out Nate's blog from yesterday describing exactly what's happening in Hawaii if you're interested. Long story short is that the Island is experiencing historic swells as a result of a strong winter storm in the South Pacific and rising sea levels among other factors. The "other factors", according to scientists, is climate change but you can't say that on the internet because people will get their panties in a bunch. Regardless, the videos coming out of Maui are insane. Here are a few...




The good news? Surfers are having the time of their lives. The swells are producing some of the largest, fastest, waves in the past 50 years. Check out the speed on this bad boy...

It looks like the video is being played in fast forward. And like Nate mentioned, everyones wedding is getting ruined…

Oh well! Stay safe out there, friends. If you search "Hawaii swells" on twitter there are a ton of other videos. Anyways, that's it for this one. Have a lovely Tuesday…



