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Absolutely INSANE Story. Flyers Goalie, Ivan Fedetov, Has Been Detained In Russia And They're Allegedly Forcing Him To Enlist

Well this is a CRAZY development. Here is a blurb from newsweek on the situation

A Russian hockey player for the Philadelphia Flyers, Fedotov was detained over suspicions of evading the Russian army, Euro Weekly News reported, citing Russian media

"There are sufficient grounds to consider Fedotov an army evader," the Russian military prosecutor's office told

The 25-year-old has allegedly violated article 328 of the Criminal Code "evasion of military or alternative civilian service," for which he could face up to two years in prison, according to the Russian news publication.

Fedotov announced in April that he will leave Moscow's CSKA hockey club, with whom he won the Gagarin Cup last season, and will be joining the Philadelphia Flyers, according to Euro Weekly News. He signed an entry-level contract with the NHL team in May.

It sounds like the only crime he committed was leaving the historic Red Army team at CSKA Moscow for the Philadelphia Flyers so they detained him and called him a draft dodger. Insanity. I can not imagine living in a society like that. Putin delivered a hard line earlier this year calling Russians living in the West "scum" and "traitors". Well there are a TON of Russian hockey players living in the West making piles of money. Are they going to detain Ovi? Are they going to detain Kirill? The Athletic did a good article about this situation recently. Worth a read if you can afford the $1/month deal that they're running perpetually

Crazy situation. Makes me extra glad I live here on this 4th of July weekend. I'll update as things come out. 

PS: Brittney Griner is still being detained
