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Scott Disick Did The Only Thing You Can Do While The Love Of Your Life Gets Married To Someone Else, He Hit Up The Strip Club

Scott Disick sure knows how to distract himself ... while his ex, Kourtney Kardashian, and Travis Barker were celebrating their marriage in Italy, Scott was hitting a packed NYC strip club.

Sources inside Sapphire New York tell us Disick rolled in with a group around 2:30 AM Monday, and headed straight to the VIP section. We're told he was low-key, only chatting with his immediate crew ... he didn't even interact with any dancers.

Our sources say Scott's group included an almost equal split of men and women, but there was one woman who he spoke with most of the night.

In all, we're told Disick was only at the club for about an hour before taking off.

Ohhhh Scott. We all know how it feels to watch the one that got away have an extravagant Italian wedding with someone else, right? We can relate. We can feel your pain. What do you do when you need the ultimate distraction? YOU HEAD TO SAPPHIRES!

Sapphire's is a fantastic strip club. I'm a strip club gal, I've been a handful of times and it's always on a night when we're looking for trouble, or looking for a distraction. Sad sap Scott wasn't even getting dances or interacting with the girls - he just figures, I'll surround myself with naked women, and I won't think about the love of my life's tongue down another man's throat during the "I Dos." It was probably the idea of his friends to head there, something off the beaten path to really make the night memorable for their own reasons. Not just "the night Kourtney got married to someone else."

I've been keeping up with the new Kardashian series on Hulu, and it's no surprise that the Scott scenes are awkward. He's a part of their family, as they've all told him for so many years, and there's something juvenile in the way he gets upset over being left out. In one episode, he is upset with Kris Jenner for not inviting him to her "real" birthday dinner and having a solo lunch with him instead. "You told me when my parents died, that you guys are my family now" Christ almighty. What do you even say to that? Scott's been around since episode 1 of the original series. He's fucked up time and time again, definitely doesn't deserve Kourtney, but is still the father of her children and has become a staple member of the family. Now that she's starting a new life, he's been quoted saying that it "feels like a weight off his own shoulders, now that someone else can take care of Kourtney." I hope this is really how he feels - because it's true. Scott has always had half ass relationships with 20 somethings, nothing that any of us ever thought would be long lasting. In my opinion, he was dating around waiting for the moment where he and Kourtney would finally get together. Sorry Charlie! It's just not in the cards. You're free to have a meaningful relationship with someone age appropriate. So, sure, you're family, but you're rung outside of the circle now. You'll know everything, but you cant expect every invite to every group dinner that the actual Kardashian daughter and her new husband are going to attend. Don't be the black cloud, Scott. You're better than that, you've grown more than that, and you'll find someone for yourself in the same way Kourtney did. We'll all be psyched for you when that happens. In the meantime? Keep hanging with your friends, hitting up Sapphires and ~*~*finding yourself*~*~.