
The Most Disheartening Thing As A Sports Fan Is Watching A Legend You Grew Up With Get His Ass Kicked By Father Time

That goalie right there is Gianluigi Buffon, arguably the greatest goalie of all time. For sure a legend of the game and one that anyone around my age (35) grew up with if you liked soccer. He was a staple on those Italy teams, especially when he would just BELT out of the national anthem. 

But this brought me to a bigger picture. Watching these legends become washed up dudes that make simple mistakes like this is the most disheartening thing as a fan. We've seen it across all sports. Quarterbacks can no longer throw the ball 25 yards on a rope. Basketball players have to start using tricks from the Y it feels like. It sucks. It's also part of being a fan and I'm really starting to realize this now at my age. There are so many players that just lose it.

As for this specific play? Yikes dude. That's so bad. You can't whiff. And then I actually think the worst part is how slow he is compared to the forward. He looks like he's running in cement. I mean he gets BURNT and has a good head start. What makes it even sadder is realizing this is Serie B. It's not even the top league. 

To think this was Buffon once: 

Dude was so good. Now he can't even kick the ball. Getting old no matter who you are is always just the worst.