
In Honor Of Studio 54 Opening On This Day In 1977, I Give You The Best Disco Song Of All Time

New York City and clubs go together. I'll admit, as a young pup I frequented some teen nights and then 18 to dip 21 to sip parties in my day. I'm talking pre D'Jais days. Limelight, Exit, Crobar, Metro 53 etc etc etc. When you and the boys waited in line on the Sunday night of a holiday weekend because a kid named Vinny or Mikey gave you a flyer for a "teen night" at 16 or 17 years old. Or like in  this embarrassing photo attached , the summer after HS Graduation when you and the boys head out as freshly turned 18 year olds. 

Just a couple of pals (shoutout JT, Joey Pasta, See-no and Gersh)  on Bay 40th Street getting ready for a night out at Club DNA in Astoria Queens. 

Fun fact, saw DHT perform an absolute BANGER that night. Saturday June 18th, 2005. Whistle was rocking … 

Anyway, my point was club music / house music / house vocals were the soundtrack to my high school and college life. Clubs aren't for everyone but on the right night with the right crowd it can be a ton of fun. And when your recovery time is super quick (see ages 18-25) you can do it two three or even four nights in a row out until 4-5am like it's nothing. 

For the same way club music defined my younger years, disco defined my parents time. Of those famous clubs , Studio 54 was the most iconic. It opened at 254 West 54th Street in New York City on this day 1977. I obviously wasn't old enough to attend, and to avoid insulting anyones age within the office, I don't think anyone I work with was old enough to attend, especially in it's hay-day. So even though I wasn't old enough to attend, I am old enough to appreciate the music. I am also old enough to have attended a family party, block party (remember those) and wedding in the last 20 years that Disco is still mixed in to get people out on the dance floor. 

It is without a doubt, that one disco song reigns supreme above the rest.  

It's the goddamn best. Catchy lyrics, good beat, those bells… song slaps as the kids say. I'll put this up against Disco song bar none. Don't get me wrong the Bee Gees and Donna Summer have some classics, but Bonnie Pointer's "Heaven Must Have Sent You" gets the party going.Disco may be dead, but Bonnie and this song live on forever. 

Prove me wrong and send me your go to disco hit @Return_of_RB