
The Attorney Generals Of Both Virginia And DC Are Now Investigating Dan Snyder


NBC Sports - The Commonwealth of Virginia will open an inquiry into alleged financial misconduct by the Washington Commanders, according to a letter sent to the organization Monday by Attorney General Jason Miyares.T

The allegations were made during a Congressional investigation into the team that found “a pattern of deeply concerning business practices that were directed by senior leadership,” including owner Daniel M. Snyder.

“To be clear, I have not prejudged the issues raised regarding the Commanders,” Miyares wrote in a letter to Washington attorney Jordan W. Siev of Reed Smith LLP. “However, I view it as my responsibility to carefully examine the material facts regarding this matter after it was brought to my attention. I request full cooperation and transparency from your client during this inquiry.”



I've long been a fan of the Attorney Generals. All my homies love the Attorney Generals. We used to sit in our forts as kids, eating Fun Dip, blowing each other, talking about how we wanted to be Attorney Generals when we grew up. Nothing better than those early childhood memories. And now our heroes are investigating Dan Snyder, I could cry. They join the long list of others currently investigating Dan Snyder, including Congress (go Congress go!) and the NFL's second "independent investigation", which obviously we know means nothing but whatever.

So as it stands, Dan Snyder is currently being investigated by more people/committees than he has Super Bowl appearances in the last 30 years. Meanwhile he's trying to build a stadium, but DC, Maryland, nor Virginia want to help him build it, because well, because he's a terrible piece of shit of a human. And the NFL just sits back and supports him. It's so ridiculous the NFL sits idly, doing their silly little fake investigations, and lets Dan continue to be a huge embarrassment to the league. 



I cannot imagine what will need to be uncovered to get him out of the league, but deep in my heart I believe it'll happen. I have to believe. I must.