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The Bulls Got Absolutely Fucking Destroyed In Game 3

I owe you guys this blog because (a) I talked a fair amount of shit and (b) we then promptly got blown out by thirty at home. THIRTY. That's 4 touchdowns, a missed PAT and three 2-pt conversions. That's a lot of points and at no point was this game remotely close. Double digit lead at the 6-minute mark. 16 by the 1st quarter. Nearly 20 at half. Almost like watching a completely different team and that's putting it lightly because you could just as easily say it was a disgusting performance. But I'm not going to go that far. Some times it just isn't your night. 

Credit to anyone who hit the secondary ticket market to watch the first Bulls home playoff game since Jimmy Butler wore the jersey. Not you Corporate Suck Jobs that flood the lower levels but I'm talking about the sons that brought their dads and vice versa. The guys that spent 3+ hours rounds trip coming from Northwest Indiana. Or all the people who planned a weekend trip to Chicago entirely around the promise of a great Friday night at the United Center. You guys got absolutely hosed to the point that Jerry Reinsdorf should just let everyone from last night come back for another home playoff game. Figure out the date later but those people deserve another game Jerry. They should get to run it back just like the players. 

For these reasons I actually like the Bulls in Game 4. You honestly cannot be that bad two games in a row. If you treated it like Champions League Soccer and you were doing aggregate score over two games, no way the Bulls go -30 in two consecutive. That's my smooth brain working overtime. There's too much balance in the universe. Too many shots going up in the UC right now from DeMar as I type this very sentence. And quite frankly I just can't imagine Billy D fails to make some adjustments to the Bucks without Middleton. 

In sum: 

            (Law of Averages + Billy D)         
Overwhelming Embarrassment of Game 3
Bulls bounce back Game 4

Giphy Images.

You guys can now talk shit to me. 

PS - Fuck Grayson Allen forever and always.