
The Kevin Garnett Retirement Ceremony Was Beyond Perfect

Maddie Meyer. Getty Images.


In typical Celtics fashion, they lost their game leading into a jersey retirement ceremony. Fucking Luka. It's been that way for the last three we've had (Maxwell, Pierce, Garnett), and while it took a few seconds to get my brain past that pain, it was time to sit down and enjoy a moment we'll all never forget. As I blogged this morning, today is obviously a huge deal for the Celtics franchise and fans around the world. Everyone has different reasons for why it may be important, but for me it was the fact that KG was the bridge that connected my generation to the previous ones. The ones who told me my entire life what it was like to win a title and watch greatness. Finally, we had something of our own, and none of that happens without KG.

In terms of the actual ceremony, it was perfect. KG standing at center court looking around, cursing his face off like you knew he would. You could really see how massive of a moment this is. Pierce was right, KG brought back Celtic Pride in a way that I'm not sure any other superstar could. It wasn't just the winning, it was how he won. The tribute video? Chills.


Then, they decided to put KG on the mic and the most predictable moment in television history ensued

You think Kevin Garnett cares about the FCC? Hell no, don't be an idiot. Then when he gave Ray Allen the shoutout and declared he was next?!?!?!?!?! Be still my heart. 

Then we had Pierce running out to center court so the three of them could all embrace and I fucking lost it

I still cannot believe that is a real picture and to say it fills my heart with joy would be the understatement of the century. From where we were 10 years ago to now, man life sure is crazy. That was as genuine and as real a moment as you'll ever see. For KG to be the one to initiate it like that and for the entire Garden to be there for it was a magical ending to his beef. 


Everything about this ceremony was perfect. It was way better than my wildest dreams. It was perfectly KG. You got to see his personality shine through and he got to see how much the rest of us love his fucking guts. I honestly cannot think of a more perfect send off into the rafters. I know I've only now seen two of these things in my life, but man. What a moment, what a player. 

There will never be another #5 as long as this franchise exists, and rightfully so.