
The Most Vicious Elbow In The NHL This Year Came From a Lunatic Fan In LA

Jesus buddy. Just chill out, man. I haven’t seen anybody try to elbow someone to death like that since the days of Scott Stevens.

What do you think the odds are of this nut job being the type of guy who screams “shoot”  every time the Kings enter the offensive zone? He probably plays in a 40 and over beer league, has over 135 PIMs in 9 games this season, is a -37 on the year, his wife left him and is now banging his boss, and he still shows up to these games every night thinking about how he could have been out there if he didn’t blow his knee out back in ‘86. If you had that much pent up frustration and regret in your life, you’d be throwing bows every chance you got, too. This one might just come with a $5,000 fine, the maximum allowed under the CBA, from the Department of Player Safety.

P.S. — I’d still take this goon over a typical glass banger any day of the week.
