
"I Can't Turn On The Lights Because It Is Unsafe"--Dogwalk Guest Live From Ukraine

I won't lie to you I got a little rattled when our guest, Volodymyr, said he can't turn the lights on for us to have video because it was unsafe to have lights on in an apartment at night. That's the reality of war. I have been rewatching "Band Of Brothers" lately and they talked about "light discipline" when they landed in France and later in the show in Bastogne. 80 years later people in Europe again have to practice that same discipline so they don't risk their lives. Unbelievable. The full episode will be below. It seems as if people liked this podcast

Thank you so much to Maksym and Volodymyr for joining us. The tweet above hit the nail on the head. It feels like every bit of news coming out of Ukraine is viewed through a political lense here in the United States. It is impossible to know what is real and what is fake. What is propaganda, what is genuine. It was great to hear how this is impacting regular people like you and me on the ground. When you speak to them it is easier to envision how you would live under the circumstances. Prayers to Volodymyr and his family in and around Kyiv. If you'd like to do more than offer thoughts and prayers he offered the following links. Investigate them yourselves. 

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