
We Have The First Ever "Fake Michigan" Goal In Hockey History And It Is Awesome

Here it is...the next evolution. A set play. A fake Michigan. I don't know who invented the play-action pass in football, but the Michigan-action wrap around play was invented at Whittmore Center in NH, but the Merrimack Warriors. Hockey is getting more and more fun. More and more creative. Better all the time across every level of competition and it's a beautiful thing. Don't want to lose the soul of the game which is supposed to be hard, but one thing I have heard from coaches the world over thousand and thousands of times is "take a hit to make the play". Well the guy behind the net faking the Michigan but absolutely TRUCKED as the best decoy ever as his teammate wrapped it around for the easiest tuck of his life. Took a hit to make the play. This should get two thumbs up from every old school coach in the world, even Torts. 

UPDATE: Sad day for the Merrimack Warriors (you still have a great old barn), but it has come to my attention that this was not the first. I hadn't seen the previous one so here is the first viral fake michigan on the internet. My apologies