
It's Possible The Other Owners In The NFL Are Tired Of Dan Snyder And May Think It's Time To Push Him Out

Patrick McDermott. Getty Images.


CBS Sports - NFL owner may have finally had enough with Daniel Snyder. Less than a week after more allegations were made against him, other NFL owners sense that the time has come for Snyder to be removed as Washington's owner, according to Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk. 

The NFL fined Snyder's franchise $10 million at the conclusion of their workplace misconduct investigation. The investigation was launched after The Washington Post report that included 15 former employees claiming that they were sexually harassed during their time with the franchise. A second report published The Post citing interviews with over 100 employees who claimed Snyder "has presided over an organization in which women say they have been marginalized, discriminated against and exploited." 

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell can propose firing any owner, shareholder or partner for wrongful conduct and would take that complaint to the league's Executive Committee. Goodell would need three-fourths of the committee to vote to terminate the owner. 


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In poker, players will often yell out "ONE TIME!!!" when in a big situation where winning the pot would be a huge deal, and losing could be catastrophic. Usually it's in a flip situation, where you just want your hand to hold up "one time!". Well, I'd like to use my one time right now. Fuck poker, we have bigger fish to fry. And that fish, of course, is a little bottom feeder named Dan Snyder, who for 20 years has been getting away with cosplaying as a shark. He's run his fish colony into the ground, and it looks like the other sharks, the real sharks, are tired of his shit. 

What would it take to get Dan Snyder out? I'm guessing a coordinated effort between the owners which they conduct secretly until they see if they have the votes to get him removed. I wouldn't be shocked if some owners are vaguely texting about it, going through the different team owners, trying to figure out if they have enough votes. And the thing is, besides possibly NFC East owners, I don't know why the rest wouldn't want Snyder gone. They lose money because Snyder makes the Washington Football Commanders less valuable than they should be. When someone else can make your team value goes down, you want that guy gone. That'd be my pitch, at least. 

Will this happen? It's certainly possible, especially if the NFL doesn't bury this investigation and sweep it under the rug like the did the last one. Sorta makes no sense, right? The NFL did a huge investigation and apparently had the report been released, Beth Wilkinson would have recommended Snyder sell the team. So if they have that report, why not just release it instead of fucking around with another investigation?? Whole thing stinks to high heavens, but who knows, maybe we'll get our one time.