
"I Hate You, Next Question" - Safe To Say Mark Cuban Is A Little Butt Hurt About Trading Seth Curry For Josh Richardson

I believe it was Socrates who once said "playas fuck up". It happens. And it's not really that big of a deal when it happens. It really only turns into a big deal with a playa fucks up and then said playa refuses to admit that he or she fucked up.

Cubes is never one to shy away from admitting when he screwed the pooch. So when he has some wide-eyed, bushy-tailed little twerp from the Penn Wharton School of Business asking him about the Seth Curry for Josh Richardson trade, his answer is simple. 

"I hate you, next question". 

Can you blame him? Of course not. Josh Richardson spent one season in Dallas and he stunk. After the season was over, Cubes saw enough and sent him packing to Boston. Meanwhile, Seth Curry has a major role on this Sixers team who, despite having a manchild 3x NBA All Star who refuses to play because he got his feelings hurt, have managed to still find themselves just 1 game back from 1st place in the Eastern Conference. So yeah, I'd say that the Philadelphia 76ers bent Mark Cuban over their knee and gave him a good ol' fashioned spanking with that trade. 

Good for Cubes though to be able to laugh it off and admit it, though. At first I thought that awkward silence after his answer was being used to order a hit on the kid. But once he broke the silence to admit he was mostly just joking, that's an owner I can get behind. Maybe the way we can make that trade work out for everybody is if Mark Cuban just buys the Sixers from that rat Josh Harris. I'll draw up the documents. 

Also good on that kid for asking a tougher question than 95% of credentialed journalists would ever dare to ask. 
