
"LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga" Dropped The Greatest Video Game Trailer Of All Time And This Game Is Going To Be Other Worldly Good

This is the greatest video game trailer I've ever seen. I've never been this excited for an upcoming game to drop. Now's the hard part - we gotta wait until April 5th to finally play it...

To say I'm hype is the understatement of the century. If you've never dabbled in the LEGO Star Wars gaming world, I truly pity your soul. These are some of the most well games ever made and are insanely fun, while having a playful twist on the iconic Star Wars series.

In this newly announced upcoming game, players will experience an open-world LEGO Star Wars universe that lets them fly from planet to planet. While traveling, you'll also encounter foes on the space journey that you'll have to fend off. At 2:58 in the video, you can see the Millennium Falcon in action against the Capital Ship.

Not to be dramatic here, but this game looks like one of the most complete games I've ever seen. This trailer is ridiculously in depth and gives Star Wars fans seemingly everything they could ever want. The combat, the story, the space travel, the Jedi force - what more could you be asking for?


On top of all the features and additions, it looks like we're going to be getting the FULL and complete Star Wars storyline. If this game is executed as good as it's advertised - then this is an easy winner for game of the year.

The trailer is 6 minutes long and walks you through every feature the game has to offer. I couldn't be more excited for this game to drop.

Is it April 5th already…