
WILD Video Of A Guy Whipping A Molotov Cocktail Into A Brooklyn Deli After Getting Into An Argument With The Clerk

Source - Surveillance footage released by the FDNY on Sunday shows the moment a suspected arsonist chucked a Molotov cocktail into a Brooklyn deli on Saturday.

Joel Mangal, 38, allegedly carried out the fiery attack at NR Rock Deli in Bedford-Stuyvesant after he got into an argument there with staff, according to the FDNY and law enforcement sources.

Footage from outside the deli shows the suspect igniting one of the incendiary devices before tossing it through the front door.

The gas bomb struck inside near the deli display case, covering the glass and surrounding areas with flames, according to footage from inside the store.

Mangal allegedly tried to throw a second Molotov cocktail into the deli, but was stopped by a witness who smacked the explosive out of his hand, footage shows.

The Video: 

Good lord. This is why you deescalate and walk away. This is the exact reason why- because you never know who's going to pick up a Molotov cocktail and throw it in your face. I'm not saying the guys in the deli didn't do that, I'm just saying as a general rule of thumb you should always try and peacefully resolve a conflict so you don't end up hurt or worse. Which is easier said that done for a lot of people including myself. I was in Five Guys the other day and a homeless guy called me a faggot after I said no to buying him a hotdog. He had no idea I was gay, but part of me wondered what would happen if I just brutally attacked him. What if I was crazy? What if I had nothing to lose, wound up, and cracked him into outer space? That's the risk you run when you start acting like an asshole. 

It's a mirical those two guys got out considering how quick the entire store went up. Look at this shit...




Thank god that guy on the street decided to knock the second bomb out of his hand otherwise things probably wouldn't have ended the way they did. Here's the exact moment he springs into action…

Luckily no one was hurt and the police were able to apprehend the man responsible for the attack. He was charged with arson, assault, reckless endangerment, criminal possession of a weapon and criminal mischief. That said, something tells me this isn't his last run in with the law. You don't go from throwing Molotov cocktail to becoming a upstanding member of society. You typically end up in and out of the system until you do something so stupid that it puts you away for life. Hopefully that isn't case but history dictates it will be. Best of luck to those two dudes in rebuilding their store. 
