
The New Chicago Bulls Got It All Figured Out. Scoreboard Operator Throws Green Bay Packers Logo Up On Video Board While Opposing Team Shoots Free Throws To Fire The Crowd Up With Boo's

This is playing chess right here. 

Nobody gives a fuck about the Memphis Grizzlies, even the fine people of Memphis, TN. Same goes for 99% of the teams in the Western conference when they come to play here. So how do you get impartial fans to boo the ever-loving shit out of those teams when they're at the charity stripe? 

Throw this revolting logo up on the video board.

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Bravo Bulls in-game operations team, bravo.

I like this new Bulls culture already. Get rid of the mouth breathers from Iowa, especially that Fraggle Rock looking moron 

Jonathan Daniel. Getty Images.
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and look what happens. Out with the McDonald's cheer squad and in with the 2020's. 


Baby steps I know but Rome wasn't built in a day.

Speaking of mouth breathers, the Packers and their fans invade tomorrow.