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You Will Be Shocked to Learn the Georgia Southern Player Who Chugged a Beer on Top of a Moving Bus Has Been Suspended Indefinitely

Wow, what a weekend it was in Statesboro, Georgia — and not in a good way.

The Eagles fell to 1-3 with a 28-20 loss to Louisiana, which led to the dismissal of head coach Chad Lunsford on Sunday. I was especially sad to hear that after Lunsford's awesome clip from his press conference last week when he discussed how he goes about his job while under scrutiny.

Firing your coach mid-season would have made for a bad enough weekend.

But then GSU also had this stunt from defensive lineman Gavin Adcock, who appears to have been chugging beer on top of a moving bus — while the team was en route to the game! That's certainly a new one.

Georgia Southern athletic director Jared Benko announced Monday that Adcock had been suspended indefinitely.

I guess I missed when guys being dudes became a bad thing. This is actually precisely how I want my linemen getting into the zone before the game. Gronk does this same thing and everybody talks about how cool he is. If housing a beer on top of a moving vehicle is a crime, then lock me up.

In the meantime, though, it looks like Adcock will have more time to focus on his country music career. And I must say: he isn't half bad.