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Known Scumbag DaBaby Bows To The Mob, Apologizes For Everything After Getting Kicked Out Of A Bunch Of Music Festivals






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Rule number one of doubling down- always triple down. The second you go back on what you said you lose. It doesn't matter how wrong, how homophobic, how humiliatingly stupid you sound- you don't apologize. Even if Elton John, Madonna, Miley Cyrus, GLADD, and every gay person on the planet comes after you, you stick to your guns. Repeat what you said. Blame your ignorance on "cancel culture" if you have to, just don't apologize. 

Here's what DaBaby originally said for those of you who don't know… 

^^It's crazy that this what it took for people to realize he was a scumbag considering he (allegedly) slapped the shit out of a woman at his show last May and was arrested on weapons charges in January, but that's neither here nor there. I wrote about his most recent incident it HERE. If I had to guess, I'd say the reason he decided to apologize today is because his bottom line was starting to be affected. It really is as simple as that. He was also booted from both Lollapalooza and the U.K.'s Parklife Festival in the matter of three days. Not to mention the fact that his clothing line dropped him. Regardless, I just thought it was funny how someone who initially doubled down SO hard decided to backtrack. What a loser. The only way I'll accept his apology is if he starts an OnlyFans with Lil Nas X. The ball is in your court, DaBaby. Thanks for reading.