
Unrest With The Experts? Rico Joins Team Minihane? The Dozen Drama Continues...


The most recent match of The Dozen: Trivia Competition is above, and the scandalous Team Minihane vs. Uptown Balls match is below...


We had a fucking wild week on The Dozen: Trivia Competition. First came the cheating scandal, and follow-up suspension of Trysta Krick for the entire season...

I also chatted with Kirk a little bit about it.

Worth noting that Kirk said, gun to his head, he'd say Trysta did cheat. That's all I need to hear.

Dave said on the Dave Portnoy Show that you need a villain. This is 100% correct, Dave is right, but cheating and making a mockery of the show isn't that for me, so I can't put Trysta in that space. You can be a villain, fuck around, yell, scream, etc., but if you cheat, then show zero remorse, and basically abuse the show, I just can't keep you around. I have no issue with Trysta Krick, but I do with Trysta Krick the trivia player. It was also the most disliked episode we've ever had. That's not good at all for the brand.

As for the future of Team Minihane…

…but maybe not?

…but maybe?

Then Dave discussed a proposal from Eddie, which I can confirm was a thought Eddie has had for a while…


…no fucking shot that happens. Never would be allowed by Dave, as he said. Dave is the leader of Team Ziti, and that has been clear since the Tournament.

Rico also seems to have turned his back on Big Ev…

I have no fucking clue what is happening with Team Minihane, but the revolving door may be continuing to spin.

Now to The Experts, where things are getting awkward and testy with Brandon, PFT, and Fran. First, Brandon implied he wasn't getting enough help…

…and then all of a sudden he posts this convenient graphic!?


Complaining isn’t new ground for Brandon, but whereas I’m usually the one at the receiving end of the complaints (see: Olympics Category, Round 4, Match 123… which… yeah I wrote a bad category), it’s now his own teammates, PFT and Fran. He might be wrong for turning on them so publicly, but he’s certainly not wrong in that if the Experts want to win a championship, PFT and Fran will need to be more reliable. He has been the best player yet.

Could his self-anointed LeBron comparison be a foreshadow of what’s to come for his trivia career? Would he look for his proverbial South Beach or rather play GM, tinkering with the roster and sending teammates packing? If the Experts continue to struggle, this could be the most interesting storyline of the young Season 2…