
Ryan Whitney Says He Could Identify Every Guy On His College Hockey Team Just By Looking At Their Dick

This is one of those blogs that you write just for the title. It's also one of those blogs that makes you question why you decided to play basketball instead of hockey. Outside of wrestlers, hockey players are the single gayest group of people on the planet. And that's coming from a guy that went to P-Town with KB...




There's just something about them that seems fruity. I think it's because 90% of hockey is spent in the locker room. Dressing, undressing, showering, sweating, trying to guess whose cock belongs to who without looking at their face. You know, that old thing. I could be wrong but I think that's it. They also have arguably the biggest asses on the planet which is more of an observation than a supporting argument. Regardless, if you've ever wondered what Biz's dick looks like, here's the movie he said it was featured in... 

Meaning it either has barnacles growing off of it or it changes color to blend into its surroundings. Either way I'd love to do a little dick talk with the boys on Out & About one of these days. Maybe I'll reach out next time they're in town. Thanks for reading!