
Serena Williams Leaves Wimbledon in Tears After a Mid Match Injury That Forced Her Retirement

We're only on Day 2 of Wimbledon and the grass surface has become a fucking disaster. People are slipping, sliding, and falling all over the goddamn place. What in the shit is going on here? 

Earlier today on Centre Court, Roger Federer's opponent Adrian Mannarino had to retire after busting up his knee sliding on the grass in the 4th set. The match was headed to a 5th and deciding set where anything could have happened, but Mannarino was in too much pain to continue and had to bow out. It was the dude's birthday too and he was playing out of his mind which makes it all the shittier. That 5th set was going to be sick. 

Serena Williams took the court next and in just the 7th game hurt what appeared to be her back/leg on a slip herself. She was forced to retire mid match, leaving the arena in tears. What an absolutely wild moment. 

Brutal luck for Serena as Wimbledon is by far her favorite tournament and the best chance she has at winning her elusive 24th grand slam title. Would she have won it? Probably not, I think those days are over, but the more the years go on the more out of the reach that goal is gonna get. 

Feel like after two days of tennis the talk being the grass and not the players isn't the best narrative for the tournament. Not good Bob. The wet conditions are certainly playing a factor but also the short time frame between the French and Wimbledon this season may also be fucking with players footing and feel. Whatever it is, we're just two days into this thing and it's a goddamn shit show.