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Chicago Is ALL The Way Open And People Are Twerking On Police Cars To Kick Off The Summer

I don't know what is going on here. To be honest...I don't care. I laughed. There's been so much tension in Chicago around the Police Department, the Mayor's office, and the people that it was nice to see an interaction that was funny. I'll take women twerking their asses off on top of a Police cruiser as opposed to what we saw last summer any day. Twerk Tuesday, some would say. People want to see more positive interactions between police and the greater community and it doesn't get much more positive than a non-violent block party rolling twerk off. And yet...people can't just have fun

The Chicago Police Department is investigating a viral video showing women dancing and twerking atop a CPD cruiser.

The cell phone video is all over social media. It shows three women on the hood and roof of a Chicago Police SUV, as the vehicle slowly drives through a large crowd of cheering onlookers. On Monday, Police Supt. David Brown said his department is investigating the incident. He said officers would be held accountable for any inappropriate behavior.


There's a LONG list of things to investigate in this city and whoever spends more than one second investigating this situation should be thrown in the Lake. How about investigate what got those asses shaking? Morale appears to be high. Let's investigate how to keep it that way. 

This needs to be one of those no harm no foul situations. Not ideal to have people disrespecting police and city property. Not something I would encourage, per se. However...everyone appears to be safe. I would assume everyone walked away from this interaction unharmed. Things could've been a lot different and worse. Let's just let this one slide and entire an open summer on a good note.